Friday, November 14, 2014

Improve your complexion and prevent cellulite with body brushing

Our largest body organ eliminates more than a pound of waste over the course of an average day.  I bet you didn't think I was referring to your skin.  In fact, about 1/3 of all the body’s impurities are excreted through your skin.  If normal elimination through the skin can not be carried out then your large intestine, kidneys, lungs and liver may not be operating properly.  Poor hygiene, dry skin build up, repeated application of mineral oil-based, pore-clogging body lotions or waterproof chemical sunscreens, and medication side effects can all interfere with the skin’s elimination process. Therefore, anything you can do to improve skin function assists and improves the function of other vital organs. 

Variations of skin brushing have been practiced by many cultures for centuries.  The Japanese used the loofah sponge prior to their traditional hot baths, ancient Greek athletes used strigiles -- specialized, spoon-like skin scrapers to remove the grime of exertion and encourage circulation, Cherokee Indians used dried corncobs to beautify the skin and make it more durable. 

Body brushing only takes about five minutes prior to showing or bathing.  This process does several things:
1.     stimulates the sebaceous glands which encourages natural moisturizing of your skin
2.     removes the top layer of dead cells which leads to significant exfoliation and softer, silkier skin
3.     improves circulation and increases blood flow to the surface of the body
4.     activates the entire lymphatic system
5.     aids in the detoxification of the body
6.     encourages new cell growth
7.     controls and prevents cellulite ( “The Cellulite Solution” Dr. Howard Murad)

Choose a long handled, medium-soft, natural-fiber brush.  Do not brush hard – you will have to start gently at first and as your skin adjusts you can work your way up to a more vigorous brushing. 

Start at your feet and work your way up the body.  Remember to brush toward your heart to encourage the return of blood and encourage lymphatic return.  Pay special attention to cellulite prone areas.  Brush your abdomen with clockwise, spiral motions and your arms and legs with upwards motions.  Don’t forget your hands, including the area in between the fingers.  Don’t skip any areas except your face (and breasts if you are a woman).  As the final step, shower or bath as usual.

Once you are finished you will feel remarkably invigorated and your skin will glow.  If you are just beginning to body brush your skin may be a bit red immediately afterward but as it adjusts and becomes firmer, only a pinkish tinge will remain for a few minutes until circulation calms.  If your skin remains red or pink for longer than 5 minutes then either the brush bristles are too firm or you are brushing too hard. 

Be sure to clean your body brush weekly with mild soap and water.

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