Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Update to Review of Style Sexy Hair H2N0 Dry Shampoo - Day two

Hi guys, I am about to head out to the gym and since I am not going to wash my hair until I return, thought I would take the opportunity to photograph how effective Style Sexy Hair H2N0 Dry Shampoo is at absorbing oil and creating volume 2 days after shampooing my fine hair.

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post and my YouTube Video, I have a very strong spiral crown that is difficult to hide when my hair is freshly washed and next to impossible when it is dirty.  In the photo below I have not applied any of the dry shampoo and simply brushed my hair with my awesome Mason Pearson brush.  The oil is very visible in the crown, especially around the separation from my stubborn spiral crown.

In the next photo, I applied one application of Style Sexy Hair H2N0 Dry Shampoo and lightly brushed through:

There is an obvious improvement, right???  I still wasn't satisfied so I sprayed Style Sexy Hair H2N0 Dry Shampoo one more time just around the spiral crown, see below...

Now, that's what I'm looking for!  Let the photos speak for themselves...Style Sexy Hair H2N0 Dry Shampoo is the BOMB and will be a staple in my beauty bag to ensure that I can create the illusion of freshly shampooed and styled hair without the effort.

To purchase Style Sexy Hair H2N0, visit your local professional salon that retails Sexy Hair products or simply purchase from my website, by clicking here: Style Sexy Hair H2N0 Dry Shampoo

Have you tried this product?  If so, I would  love to hear how it performed for you, please share in the comment section below.

Are there any specific products that you would like for me to try and review for you, you can also list those in the comment section below or simply email your request to

Peace and Love to all!


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