Sunday, August 17, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

It’s inspiration Sunday here at SpaDelic and I hope you will enjoy our short post and YouTube video entitled Random Acts of Kindness.

As we are all aware from constant negative reports on television, radio, social media, reality TV and most every form of public communication, most folks would rather share stories about distress and drama than those of compassion, kindness and generosity.  In fact, most of us are more likely to share a bad experience or review than a positive one.

It is for this reason that I have challenged myself to make a positive difference in the world by showing an act of kindness or generosity to at least one person each and every day.  Have you ever noticed how good it feels in your heart when you give someone a compliment and they genuinely accept and appreciate it?  Especially when it is unexpected and the recipient’s face lights up with a grateful smile.  Call me silly but these moments make my heart swell in Grinch fashion as I recognize how such a small gesture can make a HUGE difference in a person’s day.

I hope that you will join me in me in my effort to make the world a more beautiful and happy place by joining the random acts of kindness movement.  If you don’t know where to start I have gathered a few resources and listed them below to get you started in what can be a life changing experience for us all.  I invite you to view my YouTube video below entitled, Random Acts of Kindness and if you like what you see, please share and subscribe to my channel.

Sending lots of happy, kind and generous vibes your way today and every day!!
SpaDelic Beauty Consulting & Makeup Artistry

Random Act of Kindness Resources:
  1. Write a thank you letter
  2. Pay a compliment to the first person you see today
  3. Clean out your closet and donate clothes
  4. Cook a meal for someone that is feeling low
  5. Donate old sheets and blankets to your local animal shelter
  6. For more resources and ideas visit:
  7. The Drive Thru Difference - click here download letter below

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