Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Show a little kindness today!

Happy Hump day all!

Today I want to talk with you about consciously choosing to change your life by changing your thought process.  All of us have experienced trials and "storms" in life, some more tragic than others however, it is how we choose to "weather" the storms of life that shapes our future and ultimately determines who we are and the quality of life we live.  Once we realize that these storms are inevitable and that it is through our greatest difficulties that our character is developed the easier it will be to "survive" these challenges.  For me, the key was learning to look to Christ rather than my own strength that rocked my world and cemented my decision to "Walk by faith, not by sight", 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV.

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I was raised in a home with a single mother who suffered from drug and alcohol abuse and due to those circumstances, experienced and witnessed many things that no person should be exposed to, let alone a young child.  Luckily for me, when I was in the 8th grade I began dating a boy from my school whose parents were very well off and his mother treated me with kindness and exposed me to a life that created a desire and belief that I could escape my current circumstances.  Even though I was "the girl who lived on the wrong side of the tracks" Mrs. B made the effort to "lift me up" by noticing and complimenting my efforts to be a "lady" and rise above.  I have many fond memories of her demonstrating an unconditional love to her children as well as to me which created a much needed parental role model other than the toxic parenting I was exposed to in my own home.  It is to Mrs. B that I owe the credit for making me a mother who chooses to put her children before herself and creating the framework for me to become the woman that I am today.  

I hope that you will take this story to heart and truly grasp how much the smallest gesture can change the path of a person's life.  Maya Angelou said it best, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel".

Go out and make someone's day today because in the end, it will make your day too!!

Peace and love to all,


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