Monday, August 4, 2014

How do you define beauty?

How do you define beauty?

We asked SpaDelic's social media fans to share their definition of beauty last week and I am pleased to say that 99% of respondants related the definition of beauty to "internal" beauty.

Unfortunately, many young men and women form their idea of beauty from magazines and other sources that are not reliable. Merriam Webster dictionary defines beauty as: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit :  loveliness.

According to a study conducted by Dove, 82% of women think social media heavily influences our idea of beauty today.  In fact, 63% of Dove's survey participants believe that social media has a greater impact on the way we define beauty than film, music or magazines.  Since social media is an avenue that is available to the general population, it seems that we are more in control of the way we assess a person's beauty than ever before.

This idea was explored with teams of young girls and their mothers in a short film called, Selfies, that debuted at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. The 7 minute film can be accessed by clicking here: SELFIE.

I understand all too well how difficult it is for one to live up to the worlds standard of beauty being based on one's external attractiveness.

I invite you to listen as I share how I struggled with low self esteem for the majority of my life.  Thankfully, I am "over-the-hump" so to speak and I pray that my story will help you take a less critical look at yourself and instead, embrace all the wonderful things that make you the beautiful and unique person that you are.

Love and Peace to all,

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